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Social Media has become increasingly popular among businesses in recent years, it’s the latest way to connect with customers and drive sales to your website. But this doesn’t mean that the traditional methods still don’t work.

Email marketing is easily brushed off by businesses, but recent statistics show that it should be a central part of your marketing strategy, with 77% of 1,500 consumers said they prefer to receive promotional marketing messages via email…

Email comes out on top when it comes to specific types of marketing messages, such as; receiving financial alerts (52%), travel alerts (43%), order confirmation (77%), ticket delivery (60%) and general customer service information (76%).

The sales stats are in favor of email too – 66% said that they had bought something as a result of receiving an email, beating direct mail and cold calling.

Social media is a great, interactive place, but people tend to use these for interacting with friends and family. Whilst brands still thrive here and engage with customers, they don’t want to be overloaded with sales pitches and offers.

Email is viewed as something completely separate, where people expect to receive sales and marketing messages. Most of these emails are classed as “spam”, which is why it is incredibly important you structure your emails well so that they stand out from the rest.

It’s not about choosing one method, Email and Social both have their benefits and they both can help support on another. You could include links with your social media to encourage your email readers to follow you on there and also ask your followers to sign up for your newsletter.

If you’d like any assistance with your email marketing, contact us today to find out about our CRM system and how we can help

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