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If you’ve logged into Twitter recently, you may have noticed that some profile’s now look slightly different. Following on from Facebook’s recent face lift, Twitter has introduced their own version of the cover photo, which they have named ‘Header Image’.

You’ll now find the profile picture and below details displaying in the centre, with a large background image surrounding it. Follower information now appears in a bar underneath, and in the main navigation menu a new option called ‘Me’ has been added, which takes you straight to your profile.

The changes haven’t been automated, so to get this new look profile, you’ll need to go into your settings and make the changes yourself. Here’s how you do it;

Login to your Twitter account

Click on the icon in the top right-hand corner, and select ‘Edit Profile’ from the drop-down

Select ‘Design’ from the left-hand side

Scroll down and you will see an option for ‘Header Image’. You then have the option to upload an image and then drag it/ zoom in or out to make it fit as you’d like.

Once happy, click on ‘Save’

Whilst you’re updating your header image, take the opportunity to look at the rest of your Twitter. Now the bio is in a much more prominent place, it’s worth checking this is relevant and up-to date, plus make sure your current website address is there.

Whilst you’re signed into Twitter, why not take a look for some new followers? Do some searches for your local area or industry, see who you can find to follow and they may start to follow you back.

If you’d like any help with your Social Media management, then please contact us today and we’ll be more than happy to help.

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